
For Internet-based teleoperation, the most challenging and distinct difficulties are usually associated with time-varying Internet transmission delays, which will lead to dramatic performance degradation or even instability if they are not compensated properly. In this article, a biologically inspired approach to dealing with these delays is developed and implemented. Specifically, the concept of "softHaptic interface" based on human perception mechanisms is introduced for teleoperation interfacing; a human-oriented rate-based transport protocol named the trinomial protocol is developed for data transmission; and a novel adaptive compensation control scheme to take advantage of human problem-solving and decision-making capabilities is employed for teleoperation compensation control. The approach is implemented and tested on the mobile robot teleoperation system developed. In the experiments, the users successfully guided a Pioneer-2 mobile robot through a laboratory environment remotely via the Internet by using a web browser.

  • 出版日期2002
  • 单位The University of Alberta; university of guelph; university of alberta
