
The linear characteristics of double tearing modes (DTMs) in the presence of internal transport barrier (ITB) are investigated in a cylindrical tokamak plasma. A simple model describing density profile of ITB is suggested. Combining the safety factor profile given by Bierwage et al. [Phys. Plasmas 12, 082504 (2005); 14, 022107 (2007)], the DTMs spectra, scaling laws, and relationships between growth rate and density profile factor in the presence of ITB are studied, respectively. The results show that the resistive drift instability occurs in the case of high poloidal mode numbers. A transition from DTMs to the resistive drift instability is observed, and the dependence of DTMs growth rate on the magnetic Reynolds number has changed greatly due to the presence of ITB. In addition, the linear growth rates of the modes including those with low and high poloidal mode number increase when the plasma density profile steepens in the presence of ITB whatever the inter-resonant distance is smaller or larger.

  • 出版日期2011-7
  • 单位四川大学; 核工业西南物理研究院
