Ascariasis-associated worm encephalopathy in a young child

作者:Jat Kana Ram*; Marwaha R K; Panigrahi Inusha; Gupta Kunal
来源:Tropical Doctor, 2009, 39(2): 113-114.


Infestation with Ascaris lumbricoides in children has a varied manifestation, but encephalopathy is a very rare presentation. This report describes a case of ascariasis-associated encephalopathy in a child. An 18-month-old boy was admitted with altered sensorium. He had a history of vomiting and was passing Ascaris worms in the vomitus. The cerebrospinal fluid analysis did not reveal any abnormality. The patient was treated with an antihelminthic drug and he recovered completely. Worm encephalopathy should be considered as a differential diagnosis for unexplained encephalopathy in tropical areas.