Another efficient identity-based ring signature scheme and its extension

作者:Zhang Jianhong; Ji Cheng
来源:1st International Symposium on Data, Privacy and E-Commerce (ISDPE 2007), 2007-11-01 to 2007-11-03.


Ring signature is an important cryptographical tool that enables a user to sign on behalf of a group, yet no one can know whom the actual signer is. In many ring signature schemes, a member of the ring produced a signature delta, but his own cannot authenticate this signature delta was indeed produced by himself To address it, in this work, we extend ring signature notion to present a novel scheme: ring signature scheme with self-authenticating which can authenticate that a member possesses a signature's ownership. In our proposed scheme, no pairing computation is needed in the signing phased and only two pairing computations are needed in the verifying phase. Finally, we discuss the batch verification of our ring signature, and show that no matter how many signatures, only two pairing operators are needed in the batch verification. Thus, it is very efficient.