Magnetic anisotropy and magnetic moments distribution in Fe3O4 magnetic films irradiated by swift heavy ions: Theoretical modelization and experimental results

作者:Sun, Jianrong*; Wang, Zhiguang; Wang, Yuyu; Zhu, Yabin; Pang, Lilong; Chang, Hailong; Li, Fashen
来源:Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms , 2013, 315: 184-187.


The static and dynamic magnetic properties of the polycrystalline Fe3O4 films, are sensitive to 2.03 GeV Kr ions irradiation and exhibit diverse behaviors with different fluence. According to the static and dynamic magnetic measurement results, demagnetization energy (E-d) and effective magnetic anisotropy (E-eff) of the irradiated films are estimated. In addition, a phenomenological model, which is dominated by irradiation damage and stress (magnetoelastic energy, E-lambda), is presented in order to fit and explain experimental data. The micro-model of the damage in films is reasonable and can better accord with the experimental data, which indicate that the magnetic anisotropy can be modified by SHI irradiation and the distribution of the magnetic moments in films is dominated not only by E-d but also by E-lambda.
