A DNA Microarray for Identification of Selected Korean Birds Based on Mitochondrial Cytochrome c Oxidase I Gene Sequences

作者:Chung In Hyuk; Yoo Hye Sook; Eah Jae Yong; Yoon Hyun Kyu; Jung Jin Wook; Hwang Seung Yong; Kim Chang Bae*
来源:Molecules and Cells, 2010, 30(4): 295-301.


DNA barcoding with the gene encoding cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) in the mitochondrial genome has been proposed as a standard marker to identify and discover animal species. Some migratory wild birds are suspected of transmitting avian influenza and pose a threat to aircraft safety because of bird strikes. We have previously reported the COI gene sequences of 92 Korean bird species. In the present study, we developed a DNA microarray to identify 17 selected bird species on the basis of nucleotide diversity. We designed and synthesized 19 specific oligonucleotide probes; these probes were arrayed on a silylated glass slide. The length of the probes was 19-24 bps. The COI sequences amplified from the tissues of the selected birds were labeled with a fluorescent probe for microarray hybridization, and unique hybridization patterns were detected for each selected species. These patterns may be considered diagnostic patterns for species identification. This microarray system will provide a sensitive and a high-throughput method for identification of Korean birds.

  • 出版日期2010-10