
The genetic diversity in 18 cotton varieties of Pakistan was assessed using Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD). Three RAPD primers: OPO-19, OPQ-14 and OPY-2 revealed amplifications at 470bp, 325bp and 1070bp with a selection efficiency of 27.7, 61.1 and 44.4 % respectively. Marker assisted screening revealed two cotton varieties CIM-240 and CIM-443 to have resistance against CLCuV. For all varieties days to germination and germination success were recorded. Based on the data three groups were identified with 13 varieties characterized as slow responding, 3 as good responding and 2 varieties as non-responding. Furthermore plant height and leaf area have been studied as an indicator of biomass production. Based on the pooled data 2 genotypes i.e., CIM240 and CIM443 have been identified as potential genotypes to be used in future cotton breeding.

  • 出版日期2010-12