
Background: The application (US20100233143) is in the field of embryonic stems cells (ESCs) and the generation of ESCs from parthenogenetically activated human oocytes.
Objective: It aims at determining optimal conditions for parthenogenetically activating human oocytes.
Methods: Oocytes isolated from female donors were activated in vitro in the presence of an ionophore at high oxygen (O(2)) tension and by a serine-threonine kinase inhibitor under low O(2) tension. The blastocysts were transferred to a feeder layer, and the inner cell masses (ICMs) were mechanically isolated.
Results: Human ESCs were derived from the ICMs of the parthenogenetically activated oocytes.
Conclusion: Parthenogenetic ESCs (pESCs) provide a model for cellular therapy and regenerative medicine. The paradigm may be used for generating isogenic cells lines relative to the donors. The application claims the method for parthenogenetically activating human oocytes, including cryopreserved oocytes or parthenotes, and for generating pESC lines for therapy and drug discovery. The application further claims the establishment of a cell bank of human pESCs.

  • 出版日期2011-8
