
One of the main drawbacks of Slotted ALOHA is its throughput collapse at higher traffic load condition due to excessive collisions and known as stability problem. A random packet destruction Denial of Service (DoS) attack can increase the throughput collapse by increasing the collisions further. The current security protection techniques such as encryption, authentication and authorization cannot prevent these types of attacks, since the attacking packets destroy those packets by colliding those encrypted, authenticated and authorized packets. The maximum throughput of Slotted ALOHA can be achieved by the knowledge of the number of active mobile nodes and the average rate of the attacking packet arrival rate. However, the knowledge of these two parameters' current values are difficult and sometimes impossible to know. A self-stabilized Slotted ALOHA system against the random packet destruction attacking noise packets is presented in this paper. Results show that the system provides nearly optimal stable throughput without the knowledge of current active number of mobile nodes and current attacking packets arrival rate. The proposed system is truly distributive in nature and can be easily implemented in wireless access systems without requiring any centralized control and can defend against random packet destruction DoS attack.

  • 出版日期2011-9
