
We studied the allelopathic effects of corn and soybean root leachates on tuber germination and plantlet growth of potato. Root leachates were collected from seedlings in a specialized collection device and tested at three concentrations (100%, 50%, and 25%). The results showed that root leachates from corn and soybean promoted the potato tuber sprouting and plantlet growth, but effects differed with concentration. In corn leachates, 100% solution significantly enhanced the tuber sprouting and sprouting potential. While the soybean root leachates at 25 and 100 % concentrations significantly enhanced the sprouting. Both corn and soybean root leachates significantly increased the bud dry weight and bud length, with the greatest increase at highest concentration. Both types of root leachates also significantly increased the potato plantlet growth. The corn leachates had a greater stimulatory effect than the soybean leachates, but concentration had no significant effect. Both corn and soybean leachates significantly increased the amylase vigour in tubers 5-days after plantlet emergence, with the highest concentrations of each having the greatest effect. Higher concentrations of corn and soybean root leachates proved beneficial to potato tuber sprouting and plantlet growth. These experiments used tissue culture to isolate the allelopathic effects and increase accuracy.