Microstructural Engineering in Eutectoid Steel: A Technological Possibility?

作者:Durgaprasad A; Giri S; Lenka S; Kundu S; Chandra S; Mishra S; Doherty R D; Samajdar I*
来源:Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A-Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, 2018, 49A(5): 1520-1535.


Eutectoid wire rods were subjected to controlled thermo-mechanical processing (TMP). Both increased cooling rate and applied stress during the austenite-to-pearlite decomposition produced significant changes in the microstructure: major increases in the pearlite's axial alignment and minor decreases in the interlamellar spacing. The pearlite alignment was correlated with changes in the ferrite crystallographic texture and the state of residual stress. Microstructural engineering, improved axial alignment of pearlite, through controlled TMP gave a fourfold increase in torsional ductility. TMP of eutectoid steel thus appears to have interesting technological possibilities.