
This article considers some known abstract domains for affine-relation analysis (ARA), along with several variants, and studies how they relate to each other. The various domains represent sets of points that satisfy Aline relations over variables that hold machine integers and are based on an extension of linear algebra to modules over a ring (in particular, arithmetic performed modulo 2(w), for some machine-integer width w). We show that the abstract domains of Muller-Olm/Seidl (MOS) and King,/Sondergaard (KS) are, in general, incomparable. However, we give sound interconversion methods. In other words, we give an algorithm to convert a KS element v(KS) to an overapproximating MOS element v(mos) that is, y(v(Ks)) subset of gamma(v(mos)) as well as an algorithm to convert an MOS element w(mos) to an overapproximating KS element w(KS)-that is, Y(w(mos)) subset of y(w(KS)) The article provides insight on the range of options that one has for performing ARA in a program analyzer: We describe how to perform a greedy, operator-by-operator abstraction method to obtain KS abstract transtbrmers. We also describe a more global approach to obtaining KS abstract transformers that considers the semantics of an entire instruction, basic block, or other loop-free program fragment. The latter method can yield best abstract transformers, and hence can be more precise than the former method. However, the latter method is more expensive. We also explain how to use the KS domain for interprocedural program analysis using a bit-precise concrete semantics, but without bit blasting. Categories and Subject Descriptors: D.2.4 [Software Engineering]: Software/Program Verification Assertion checkers; Formal methods; Validation; F.3.1 [Logics and Meanings of Programs]: Specifying and Verifying and Reasoning about Programs Invariants; Mechanical verification

  • 出版日期2014-10