
The current study aims at the isolation and characterization of the peptides, believed to have antioxidant activity, from Conus betulinus by using different types of enzymes. The body and viscera of C. betulinus were treated with three enzymes viz. trypsin, pepsin and papain to obtain peptide hydrolysates. The activities of the hydrolysates were analyzed by DPPH and hydroxyl radical assay by using electron spin resonance (ESR) device. Active hydrolysates were purified using ion exchange chromatography followed by gel filtration chromatography. The activity of the separated fractions was analyzed by ESR; in which the result showed that trypsin hydrolysate of body (28.48 and 76.00%) and viscera (38.45 and 83.00%) respectively have high activity than the other hydrolysates. The HPLC result of purified fraction showed, presence of active amino acids viz., metheonine, cystine, histidine etc. This purified peptide has more antioxidant activity that could reduce the excess free radicals in body in order to prevent free radical induced diseases.

  • 出版日期2011-9