
Semiconductor microfabrication technologies for the 22-nm generation require high-performance resists with superb exposure characteristics. Specifically, this means resolution, exposure sensitivity, and edge roughness values not exceeding 18 nm, 10 mJ/cm(2), and 2 rim (3 sigma), respectively. Resist exposure characteristics must be evaluated using actual exposure spectra. Since six-mirror exposure optics now represents the mainstream, we installed a resist evaluation system([1]) capable of obtaining reflectance spectra of these exposure optics at the BL3 beamline in the NewSUBARU([2]) synchrotron radiation facility and performed resist evaluations. The system allows evaluations of various parameters for lithography simulations, including exposure sensitivity,([3]) acid diffusion length,([4]) light desorption characteristics,([5]) Dill%26apos;s ABC parameters,([6]) and quenching rate parameters.([7]) Using the top coat method, we examined the diffusion behavior of the acid generated by the PAG. This paper reports the results of our study.

  • 出版日期2014