
While more primitive organism such as Caenorhabditis elegans and Drosophila melanogaster feature a limited, and by now probably mostly known, array of basic cell death factors, the mammalian cell is replete with additional regulators of the cell's demise. This abundance of apoptosis mediators has made it imperative to set up a systematic inventory of mammalian cell death genes. Genetic screens in this biological system have recently uncovered the rich diversity of cell death signalling and have in particular highlighted mitochondria as an organelle loaded with apoptosis regulators. Many of the screens that have addressed this utilised the novel technique of RNA interference but some also looked at gain-of-functions with transfected cDNAs. Here we give an overview of the rationale for the latter approach, present the genes discovered by this strategy and in particular describe the involvement of mitochondria and their signalling pathways defined by those genes.

  • 出版日期2013-5
