
The objective of this experiment was to study germination parameters and cell cycle activity of radical tip cells during imbibition of cucumber seeds using flow cytometry. Samples from a uniform cucumber seed lot were subjected to one of two ageing treatments prior to imbibition; non-aged seeds were used as a control. Radicle emergence was delayed in seeds subjected to an ageing treatment. Control seeds exhibited normal cell cycle activity, with radicle emergence at 24 hours of imbibition, whereas the cell cycles of the deteriorated seeds were slower and radicle emergence delayed. The length of the delay was related to the severity of the ageing treatment. A single arrest at the G(1) phase was found during 6-18 hours of imbibition in seeds that had been treated for 96 hours at 45 degrees C, and two arrests at both G(1) and S phases were found during 6-18 hours and 24-42 hours for seeds that had been treated for 96 hours at 50 degrees C. This suggests that the initial physiological age of the seeds needs to be taken into consideration prior to the application of flow cytometry for monitoring cucumber seed germination advancement during the seed priming process.

  • 出版日期2012