A Lloyd-max-based non-uniform quantization scheme for distributed video coding

作者:Fang Sheng*; Li Xu Jian; Zhang Li Wei
来源:8th ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing/3rd ACIS International Workshop on Self-Assembling Wireless Networks, 2007-07-30 to 2007-08-01.


In traditional video compression standards, the quantizer plays an important role. It is the same for the Distributed Video Coding (DVC), which can be thought to consist of a quantier followed by a Slepian-Wolf encoder The quantizer has dominant effect on the quality, of the reconstructed video. In this context, this paper proposes quantization scheme for DVC based on a modified Lloyd-Max algorithim. The reconstruction values and partitions of quantizer are designed online for each Wyner-Ziv, frame. The training set is extracted from the previous frame and a corresponding correlation model is computed respectively in the encoder and decoder It is shown that at the cost of a slight higher error rate of the turbo code, the simple nonuniform qualltization scheme will lower the quantization error in the reconstruction step, and on the whole improve the rate distortion performance.
