
Pedestrians always walk optionally and disorderly. Considering the visual angle and other factors, pedestrians do not walk orderly even in a crowded environment, such as railway entrance. The deviation may cause discomfort to the neighboring pedestrian, which is referred to lateral discomfort (or lateral friction). Considering the effect of lateral discomfort, an extended lattice hydrodynamic model for bidirectional pedestrian flow is proposed in this paper. The stability condition is obtained by the use of linear stability analysis. It is shown that the stability of pedestrian flow varies with the coefficient of the lateral discomfort. The Burgers, Korteweg-de Vries and modified Korteweg-de Vries equations are derived to describe the triangular shock waves, soliton waves and kink-antikink waves in the stable, metastable and unstable region, respectively. The results show that jams may be alleviated by reducing the lateral discomfort.