
The Sodium-Cooled Heterogeneous Innovative Burner Reactor (SCHIBR) model created at the University of South Carolina uses heterogeneous minor actinide targets. To improve minor actinide transmutation, a hybrid fuel management scheme is utilized involving initially moderated assemblies on the core periphery followed by a second period of irradiation in a fast flux with the moderating rods removed. A multi-tiered recycling strategy was developed to increase plutonium utilization in the SCHIBR model through the recycle of the driver fuel. An equilibrium fuel cycle was evaluated with the computer code ERANOS to determine the improvements in fuel utilization, reduction in high level waste, and safety of the SCHIBR design. Fuel depletion studies were conducted to determine the composition of input and output streams in order to develop reactor recipes for use in the fuel cycle simulation code, VISION. The once-through SCHIBR model reduces the radiotoxicity of high level waste by 66% of the once-through LWR model after 300 years in storage. The multi-tiered recycling strategy offers improvements over the previous once-through SCHIBR model by reducing the radiotoxicity by 86% after 300 years in storage.

  • 出版日期2013-1
