Assessment of arsenic and fluorine in surface soil to determine environmental and health risk factors in the Comarca Lagunera, Mexico

作者:Sarinana Ruiz Yareli A; Vazquez Arenas Jorge; Sosa Rodriguez Fabiola S; Labastida Israel; Aurora Armienta Ma; Aragon Pina Antonio; Escobedo Bretado Miguel A; Gonzalez Valdez Laura S; Ponce Pena Patricia; Ramirez Aldaba Hugo; Lara Rene H*
来源:Chemosphere, 2017, 178: 391-401.


Total, bioaccessible and mobile concentrations of arsenic and fluorine are determined in polluted surface soil within the Comarca Lagunera region using standardized protocols to obtain a full description of the environmental behavior for these elements. The composition of mineral phases associated with them is evaluated with microscopic and spectroscopic techniques. Mineralogical characterizations indicate that ultra-fine particles (<1-5 mu m) including mimetite-vanadite (Pb-5(AsO4)(3)Cl, Pb-5(AsO4, VO4)(3)Cl)-like, lead arseniate (Pb-3(AsO4)(2))-like and complex arsenic-bearing compounds are main arsenic-bearing phases, while fluorite (CaF2) is the only fluorine-bearing phase. Total fluorine and arsenic concentrations in surface soil range from 89.75 to 926.63 and 2.7-78.6 mg kg(-1), respectively, exceeding in many points a typical baseline value for fluorine (321 mg kg(-1)), and trigger level criterion for arsenic soil remediation (20 mg kg(-1)); whereas fluoride and arsenic concentrations in groundwater vary from 0.24 to 1.8 mg L-1 and 0.12-0.650 mg L-1, respectively. The main bioaccessible percentages of soil in the gastric phase (SBRC-G) are estimated for arsenic from 1 to 63%, and this parameter in the intestinal phase (SBRC-I) fluorine from 2 to 46%, suggesting human health risks for this region. While a negligible/low mobility is found in soil for arsenic (0.1-11%), an important mobility is determined for fluorine (2-39%), indicating environmental risk related to potential fluorine release. The environmental and health risks connected to arsenic and fluorine are discussed based on experimental data.