
Fermentation biotechnology research is generating an unprecedented flow of unstructured information encapsulating novel process intelligence. The nature of this makes it difficult for leading researchers to quickly acquire early signs of changes or unconventional wisdom which abound in it, a state of scarcity among plenty. In this work, we have developed a structured web based repository of fermentation information. The fermentation information is deposited as Process Intelligence Sheet (PIS), which is an abstraction of the process intelligent behaviour within the upstream, the production and the downstream stages, rather than a large volume of unstructured information. The repository uses TCP/IP communication protocol. All the fermentation process researchers can communicate globally via the central repository. Novel Fermentation Intelligence are submitted to the server using a standard format called Process Information Sheet or Process Intelligence Sheet (PIS) while information are retrieved from the server either as PIS or as Process Intelligence Trend (PIT), elucidating possible emerging trends in procedures. RIIF structure makes an ideal component for the scanning process in Biotechnology Business Intelligence Systems, needed to acquire early signals of emerging trends, procedures, ideas and breakthroughs for guiding the fermentation Research and Development.

  • 出版日期2011-2
