
Image encryption is one of the most important methods of image information hiding. A new image encryption method based on dual DNA sequences for image hiding is presented in this paper. This method is implemented by using the natural DNA sequence and the chaotic initial value as keys and the chaotic map as main tool to fully exert the special advantages. Firstly, the DNA sequence is used to express the original image has been confused and key DNA sequence are calculated in light of the given definition. Then, the new DNA sequence is confused based on the chaotic sequence is generated by Logistic Mapping. The experimental results and analysis demonstrates that the image encryption algorithm is feasible and highly secure. Moreover, the size of the encrypted image is the same as the original image so that it can be applied for image hiding and be transmitted via the Internet. ICIC International ? 2010 ISSN 1881-803X.

  • 出版日期2010
