Development of an Azanoradamantane-Type Nitroxyl Radical Catalyst for Class-Selective Oxidation of Alcohols

作者:Doi Ryusuke; Shibuya Masatoshi*; Murayama Tsukasa; Yamamoto Yoshihiko; Iwabuchi Yoshiharu
来源:Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2015, 80(1): 401-413.


The development of 1,5-dimethyl-9-azanoradamantane N-oxyl (DMN-AZADO; 1,5-dimethyl-Nor-AZADO, 2) as an efficient catalyst for the selective oxidation of primary alcohols in the presence of secondary alcohols is described. The compact and rigid structure of the azanoradamantane nucleus confers potent catalytic ability to DMN-AZADO (2). A variety of hindered primary alcohols such as neopentyl primary alcohols were efficiently oxidized by DMN-AZADO (2) to the corresponding aldehydes, whereas secondary alcohols remained intact. DMN-AZADO (2) also has high catalytic efficiency for one-pot oxidation from primary alcohols to the corresponding carboxylic acids in the presence of secondary alcohols and for oxidative lactonization from diols.

  • 出版日期2015-1-2