
The influence of acoustic radiation in the form of ultrasound (US) on the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) signal of liquids in the presence of piezo- and ferroelectric nanoparticles was investigated. The NMR resonances of (1)H and (23)Na were influenced by US with a frequency of omega(US) = 18.26 MHz. For hydrogen, US with a frequency omega(US) = omega(0) was used where omega(0) is the Larmor frequency of 18.26 MHz. For sodium, US with a frequency omega(US) = 2 omega(0,Na) was used with omega(0,Na) = 9.13 MHz. A detailed description of nanoparticle properties and sample preparation is given. The influence of US on the spin-lattice relaxation time T(1) was determined with an inversion recovery sequence for different concentrations of PZT. An elongation of T(1) of (1)H by 1.7% at a Pit concentration of 0.05% and an elongation of T(1) of (23)Na by 3% at a PZT concentration of 0.04% was observed. The elongation scales with the concentration of the PZT. An possible explanation of the effect of elongation is discussed.

  • 出版日期2010-4