
Direct measurements of eddy diffusivities for momentum K (m) and heat K (h) by Doppler radar and by a radio acoustic sounding system in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere were used to examine the applicability of three Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) schemes of stratified turbulence in the environment: the E - E > turbulence scheme modified for stratified flows, the algebraic two-parameter E - E > Reynolds-stress scheme, and the three-parameter turbulence scheme. All turbulence parameters-the turbulent kinetic energy (E), the dissipation rate (E >), and vertical profiles of potential temperature (atmospheric stability) and mean wind velocity-were derived from direct measurements for all three turbulence schemes. It is shown that the profile of the vertical diffusivity of momentum (K (m) ) obtained from the three-parameter RANS turbulence scheme agrees well with its directly measured analog. The profile of K (m) calculated by the two-parameter turbulence schemes fits measurements rather qualitatively.

  • 出版日期2014-7
