
Described are the synthesis and application of alpha-t-butyldimethylsilyl-alpha-methoxyacetaldehyde as a formal methoxyvinyl cation equivalent. Addition of Grignard reagents to the title aldehyde, followed by treatment of the intermediate beta-hydroxysilanes with KH, gives good yields of largely Z-methoxyvinylated products. Assuming a Peterson-like elimination mechanism, one can infer that the Grignard addition proceeds with high syn selectivity. These results are consistent with a chelation control model involving coordination to the a-methoxy group in the title aldehyde rather than an alternative stereoelectronic Felkin-Anh-type model. It must be noted that a steric Felkin-Anh model also accounts for the observed stereochemistry. All told, the title reagent can be employed to efficiently append a Z-configured methoxyvinyl group to an appropriate R-M species, in two steps.

  • 出版日期2015-6-3