
Plactin, a family of cyclopentapeptides of fungal origin, enhances fibrinolytic activity by promoting of single-chain urokinase-type plasminogen activator (scu-PA) activation on the cell surface. For this activity, factor(s) in the blood plasma is absolutely required. In the previous studies, we identified prothrombin as a plasma cofactor involved in this mechanism, while the presence of another independent cofactor was suggested. The objective of this study was to identify the second cofactor and investigate the mechanism involved. Using plactin-affinity and ion-exchange chromatographies, we purified plasma hyaluronan-binding protein (PHBP) similar to 4,000-fold from human plasma as an independent plactin cofactor. PHBP, at similar to 10 nM, was effective in plactin-dependent promotion of scu-PA activation by U937 cells. PHBP is a serine protease that is produced as a single-chain proenzyme (pro-PHBP) and autoproteolytically converted to an active two-chain form. Pro-PHBP was comparable to PHBP in activity to promote plactin-dependent scu-PA activation by U937 cells. Plactin enhanced both cellular binding and autoproteolytic activation of pro-PHBP. The two activities were obtained with a plactin concentration at similar to 30 mu M, which resulted in a significant increase in intrinsic fluorescence and self association of pro-PHBP. Thus, it is suggested that such changes account for both enhanced cellular binding and autoactivation of pro-PHBP, resulting in an enhancement of scu-PA activation.

  • 出版日期2010-11