
Cartories are books in which written records recieved by institutions were copied. They seem to appear in Spain in the late XIth century and they were used until the XIXth. This paper studies the cartory from the catedral of Sig邦enza, dated in the early XIIIth century. It deals with his codicological caracteristics, with his structure and with his reason of being. Los cartularios son libros en los que se copiaban documentos recibidos por algunas instituciones. Parece que aparecen en Espa a a finales del siglo XI y se usan hasta el siglo XIX. Este trabajo estudia el cartulario de la catedral de Sig邦enza, datado a principios del siglo XIII. En 谷l se tratan sus caracter赤sticas codicol車gicas, su estructura y su raz車n de ser.

  • 出版日期2006
