
The guttural pouches of the horse are convexities of the paired auditory tuba. These structures are situated between the skull base and the pharynx. Each guttural pouch is build of a greater medial and a smaller lateral compartment. The neurovascular fold (Plica neurovasculosa) and the nervous fold (Plica neuralis) are situated in the caudal area of the medial compartment. These folds contain the following structures: the glossopharyngeal nerve, the vagal nerve, the accessorial nerve, the hypoglossal nerve, the sympathetic trunk with the cranial cervical ganglion and the internal carotid artery. The facial nerve and its branches, as well as the mandibular nerve run at the roof of the guttural pouch. In the neighbourhood of the guttural pouch are lying the retropharyngeal lymphatic nodules. Along the lateral compartment of the guttural pouch run the external carotid artery and its continuation, the maxillar artery. Any pathology of the guttural pouch could affect the above described structures.

  • 出版日期2010-4