
We use a unified argument to obtain relationships between approximation properties and ideals in spaces of some operators. We prove that a Banach space X (respectively, the dual space X-* of X) has the metric approximation property if and only if for every Banach space Y and every operator T from Y to X (respectively, T from X to Y), there exists a phi is an element of HB(F(X)T, span(F(X)T boolean OR {T})) (respectively, phi is an element of HB(TF(X), span(TF(X) boolean OR {T}))) such that phi(x(*) circle times y)(R) = x(*) (Ry) (respectively, phi(x(**) circle times y(*))(R) = x(**) (R-a y(*))) for every x(*) is an element of X-* and y E Y (respectively, x(**) is an element of X-** and y(*) is an element of Y-*), and every R is an element of span(F(X)T boolean OR {T}) (respectively, R is an element of span(TF(X) boolean OR {T})).

  • 出版日期2017
