
With increased knowledge of the Amphipoda Siphonoecetini over the past 30 years, classification of this group of shallow water benthic amphipods is reappraised. The cerapodids and ericthonids are removed from the Siphonoecetini, and two new tribes, Cerapodini and Ericthonini, are diagnosed in the Ischyrocerinae. Three new subtribes, Siphonoecetina, Bubocorophiina and Caribboecetina, are proposed in the Siphonoecetini. Subgenera in Siphonoecetes, Australoecetes and Ambicholestes are elevated to full genus rank and diagnosed. Corocubanus Ortiz & Nazabal, 1984 is placed in synonymy of Caribboecetes Just, 1983. Concholestes nanshaensis Ren, 2006 is transferred to Ambicholestes Just, 1998. This concept of Siphonoecetini presently comprises 19 genera and 62 species. Keys to world taxa in the Siphonoecetini are presented.

  • 出版日期2017-9-15
