
Prescapular, femoral, mesenteric, mediastinal and splenic lymph nodes from nine camels of one to 12 years of age were studied. There were no obvious structural differences between these different lymph nodes or between the ages. The lymph nodes were surrounded by a capsule formed of two layers, an outer thicker layer of connective tissue and an inner thinner layer mainly of smooth muscles. Trabeculae extended from the inner layer of the capsule dividing the parenchyma characteristically into incomplete lobules. Subcapsular and trabecular lymphatic sinuses were supported by a reticular fiber network. The parenchyma was uniquely different from that of other species, as it was arranged in the form of lymphoid follicles and interfollicular lymphoid tissue. The lymphoid follicles of CD22 positive lymphocytes were supported by a reticular fiber network. This fine network of alpha-smooth muscle actin positive cells enclosed the lymphoid follicles. The interfollicular tissue was mainly made up of diffusely distributed CD3 positive lymphocytes. MHC class II: DR was expressed by most lymphocytes of the follicles and interfollicular tissue. Lymphatic sinuses and high endothelial venules were found in the interfollicular zone. The lymphatic sinuses were lined by discontinuous endothelial cells. The wall of the high endothelial venules was infiltrated by several lymphocytes and enclosed in a layer of alpha-smooth muscle actin positive cells. Acid phosphatase positive cells were evenly distributed in the interfollicular zone. A few cells were localized in the lymph follicles. Alkaline phosphatase was observed in the endothelium of the lymphatic sinuses and in the lymphoid follicles.

  • 出版日期2012-1-15