A Depressive Endophenotype of Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer%26apos;s Disease

作者:Johnson Leigh A*; Hall James R; O' Bryant Sid E
来源:PLos One, 2013, 8(7): UNSP e68848.


Background: Alzheimer%26apos;s disease (AD) is a devastating public health problem that affects over 5.4 million Americans. Depression increases the risk of Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) and AD. By understanding the influence of depression on cognition, the potential exists to identify subgroups of depressed elders at greater risk for cognitive decline and AD. The current study sought to: 1) clinically identify a sub group of geriatric patients who suffer from depression related cognitive impairment; 2) cross validate this depressive endophenotype of MCI/AD in an independent cohort. %26lt;br%26gt;Methods and Findings: Data was analyzed from 519 participants of Project FRONTIER. Depression was assessed with the GDS30 and cognition was assessed using the EXIT 25 and RBANS. Five GDS items were used to create the Depressive endophenotype of MCI and AD (DepE). DepE was significantly negatively related to RBANS index scores of Immediate Memory (B=-2.22, SE=.37, p%26lt;0.001), visuospatial skills (B=-1.11, SE=0.26, p%26lt;0.001), Language (B=-1.03, SE=0.21, p%26lt;0.001), Attention (B=-2.56, SE=0.49, p%26lt;0.001), and Delayed Memory (B=-1.54, SE = 037, p%26lt;0.001), and higher DepE scores were related to poorer executive functioning (EXIT25; B=0.65, SE=0.19, p=0.001). DepE scores significantly increased risk for MCI diagnosis (odds ratio [OR] = 2.04; 95% CI=1.54-2.69). Data from 235 participants in the TARCC (Texas Alzheimer%26apos;s Research %26 Care Consortium) were analyzed for cross-validation of findings in an independent cohort. The DepE was significantly related to poorer scores on all measures, and a significantly predicted of cognitive change over 12- and 24-months. %26lt;br%26gt;Conclusion: The current findings suggest that a depressive endophenotype of MCI and AD exists and can be clinically identified using the GDS-30. Higher scores increased risk for MCI and was cross-validated by predicting AD in the TARCC. A key purpose for the search for distinct subgroups of individuals at risk for AD and MCI is to identify novel treatment and preventative opportunities.