
Anisotropy of elasticity is a very important feature of granular soils. In this paper, numerical experiments using discrete element method were performed to emulate drained triaxial tests and simple shear tests at different stress levels. From these numerical experiments the macroscopic elasticity parameters were determined. The results show that at isotropic stress states the stiffness of the numerical specimen increases, while the Poisson's ratio decreases with increasing confining pressure. The small strain shear modulus of the numerical specimen agrees well with the laboratory experimental results on a specimen with similar conditions. At anisotropic stress states, there is a threshold stress ratio (SRth), which characterizes the degrees of stiffness change and fabric change during the shearing. When the stress ratio (SR) is less than SRth, the microscopic contact number does not change and its distribution remains nearly isotropic, while the distribution of contact forces change and become anisotropic to resist the applied anisotropic stress. Therefore the stiffness anisotropy of the specimen mainly results from the anisotropy of contact forces. When SR is larger than SRth, however, the contact number decreases significantly in the minor principal stress direction resulting in the fabric anisotropy, along with the adjustments of contact forces. The stiffness anisotropy of the specimen results from both the fabric anisotropy and the contact force anisotropy. It also indicates that the stress normalized stiffness may be used as an index of the degree of fabric anisotropy. Moreover, the Poisson's ratio of the specimen increases continuously with increasing stress ratio and its anisotropy can be approximately related to the stiffness anisotropy.