
In this article, we introduce and study Markov systems on general spaces (MSGS) as a first step of an entire theory on the subject. Also, all the concepts and basic results needed for this scope are given and analyzed. This could be thought of as an extension of the theory of a non homogeneous Markov system (NHMS) and that of a non homogeneous semi-Markov system on countable spaces, which has realized an interesting growth in the last thirty years. In addition, we study the asymptotic behaviour or ergodicity of Markov systems on general state spaces. The problem of asymptotic behaviour of Markov chains has been central for finite or countable spaces since the foundation of the subject. It has also been basic in the theory of NHMS and NHSMS. Two basic theorems are provided in answering the important problem of the asymptotic distribution of the population of the memberships of a Markov system that lives in the general space (X, B(X)). Finally, we study the total variability from the invariant measure of the Markov system given that there exists an asymptotic behaviour. We prove a theorem which states that the total variation is finite. This problem is known also as the coupling problem.

  • 出版日期2014-4-3