
Dealing with large, critical mobile systems and infrastructures where ongoing changes and resilience are paramount leads to very complex and difficult challenges for system evaluation. These challenges call for approaches that are able to integrate several evaluation methods for the quantitative assessment of QoS indicators which have been applied so far only to a limited extent. In this paper, we propose the holistic evaluation framework developed during the recently concluded FP6-HIDENETS project. It is based on abstraction and decomposition, and it exploits the interactions among different evaluation techniques including analytical, simulative, and experimental measurement approaches, to manage system complexity. The feasibility of the holistic approach for the analysis of a complete end-to-end scenario is first illustrated presenting two examples where mobility simulation is used in combination with stochastic analytical modeling, and then through the development and implementation of an evaluation workflow integrating several tools and model transformation steps.

  • 出版日期2011-6