A systematic scoping review of measures of participation in disability and rehabilitation research: A preliminary report of findings

作者:Seekins Tom*; Shunkamolah William; Bertsche Michael; Cowart Colin; Summers Jean Ann; Reichard Amanda; White Glen
来源:Disability and Health Journal, 2012, 5(4): 224-232.


Purpose/objective: The concept of participation is emerging as a gold-standard of outcome measurement in disability and rehabilitation. We aimed to assess the status of methods to measure this new concept. %26lt;br%26gt;Method/design: We conducted a scoping review and a content analysis to assess the literature on participation. %26lt;br%26gt;Results: We identified 586 articles addressing participation. Seventy-two articles passed all exclusion criteria. Twenty-four articles cited the International Classification of Function as their conceptual foundation. Most studies included individuals with a broad range of impairments (cross disability). Most instruments relied on self-report in a cross-sectional design. We noted three levels of measurement (static, interactional, and dynamic). Few studies reported collecting data on the environment along with participation. Subjective aspects of participation emerged as an important consideration but few articles reported measuring it. %26lt;br%26gt;Conclusions: The concept of participation represents more than a %26quot;shift from negative to more positive language.%26quot; It represents a transformational concept that requires new, dynamic measures collected in context.