
Left atrial (LA) structure and function are intimately related to the clinical phenotypes of atrial fibrillation (AF), and have direct implications for the success or otherwise of various therapeutic strategies. In conjunction with intrinsic structural characteristics of the LA, pathological remodelling to a large extent dictates the clinical course of AF. Remodelling is a product of the physiological and structural plasticity of the LA in disease states (including AF itself), and manifests as electrical, physical and structural changes that promote the substrate necessary for AF maintenance. The degree of remodelling impacts upon the efficacy of pharmacological, non-pharmacological and interventional treatments for AF. Evolving therapies seek to specifically target these processes although presently, several remain in the development phase. Catheter ablation (CA) is now firmly established as a highly effective treatment for AF, although increasing its efficacy in the remodelled LA of more severe AF phenotypes remains an ongoing challenge.

  • 出版日期2015-10