
Phytochromes are red/far-red photoreceptors encoded by a small gene family in higher plants. Differences in phenotype among mutants suggest distinct functions among phytochrome subfamilies. We attempted to find distinct functions among phytochromes by oligo-microarray analysis of single, double, and triple mutants in rice. In most cases, gene expression was redundantly regulated by phytochromes A and B after irradiation by a red light pulse in etiolated rice shoots. However, we found that several genes were specifically regulated by phytochromes A and C. Most of them were expressed immediately after the red light pulse in a transient manner. They are stress-related genes that may be involved in resistance to light stress when etiolated seedlings are exposed to light. These genes were not expressed in green leaves after the red light pulse, suggesting that they have a function specific to etiolated seedlings.

  • 出版日期2012-2