A Novel Technique to Repair Acute and Chronic Proximal Hamstring Avulsions

作者:Cain Michael T.*; Jones Matthew C.; Reed Dale N.
来源:Orthopedics, 2018, 41(2): 116-119.


Treatment of proximal hamstring avulsions is challenging regarding both timing and choice of repair. In chronic situations, the tissue can become attenuated, bringing into question the need for adjunctive allograft. In general, proximal hamstring avulsions are affixed back to the ischial tuberosity with suture anchors, with allograft used as needed for chronic situations. This article reports on a novel technique of suspensory fixation with a unicortical button but without allograft to repair both acute and chronic proximal hamstring avulsions. Three patients, all of whom regained full strength and functionality 1 year postoperatively, are described.