
This study measured intracranial volume (ICV) and normalized cerebral, cerebellar, and ventricular volumes of Korean people in their 20s and 40s, to identify differences in brain volume according to gender and age group and also the relationship between each brain volume and the physical indices. We recorded magnetic resonance brain images for 80 people in their 20s and 82 in their 40s. To investigate the effects of gender and age on ICV and normalized cerebral, cerebellar, and ventricular volumes, we employed a two-way analysis of variance. We analyzed the relationship between each brain volume and physical index using the Pearson correlation method. ICV, cerebral and cerebellar volumes of males and the 20s group were significantly greater than those of females and the 40s group. Ventricular volumes for males and the 40s group were significantly greater than those of females and the 20s group. For all subjects there was a positive relationship between ICV, cerebral and cerebellar volume and weight and height. There was a brain volume difference correlated with both gender and age; however, there was a close correlation between brain volume and height, as well as weight. ICV and cerebral and cerebellar volumes of Korean people were similar to, or slightly smaller than, those of Western people. Differences in brain volume due to gender and age group were similar to previously published results. There was a brain volume difference correlated with both gender and age; however, there was a close correlation between brain volume and height, as well as weight.

  • 出版日期2012