
beta-glucans are described as active compounds with immune activity. These polymers demonstrated positive effects on the immune system (anti-tumoral, anti-infectious, protection against fungi, bacteria and viruses infections). The correct selection of beta-glucans is essential to identify compounds with favourable clinical effects. There are also evidences that macrophages respond to beta-glucans, possibly released from fungal cell walls, via receptors such as Dectin-1 and Toll-like receptors, to induce inflammatory reactions. The aim of this study was to investigate the capacity of two synthesized curdlan derivatives as possible antioxidants and/or modulators of human polymorphonuclear cells respiratory burst. It has been demonstrated that Curdlan did not significantly influence the ROS and superoxide anion production in polymorphonuclear cells, while curdlan derivatives were able to modulate respiratory burst. All the tested compounds did not act as oxygen radicals scavengers. By comparing with Curdlan, the synthesized curdlan derivatives proved to be more attractive and useful compounds able to modulate human polymorphonuclear respiratory burst. It might be hypothesized that curdlan derivatives could act on the cell membrane, possibly by binding to cellular receptors (i.e. Dectin-1 receptor which could recognize 1,3-beta-glucan, either alone or by Dectin-1-Toll-like receptor 2 co-operation). In summary, the data obtained in this study are important because they increase the knowledge on curdlan derivatives containing palmitoyl, carboxymethyl and sulfopropyl groups, the information gathered here having important implications for our understanding of how immune responses to fungal pathogens develop, as well as for the design of immunomodulators containing curdlan derivatives.

  • 出版日期2010-12