
The present study demonstrated the measurement of Na(e)/Na(i) in sciatic nerves by (23)Na-MRS using (23)Na frequency shift agent Na(4) HTmDOTP. Sciatic nerves from bull frogs were submerged into the 5 mM TmDOTP solution for 12 h before acquisition. MRS was performed on a Varian 4.7-T magnetic resonance spectrometer. To obtain the shift of Na(e)/Na(i) resonance (23)Na spectra were acquired from the whole sample with TR 50 ms and 800 averages. Na(e) and Na(i) signals were detected clearly in the spectra of TmDOTP solution-immerged nerve. Then, for evaluation of nerves viability, action potential of TmDOTP solution-immerged nerve was examined. TmDOTP had no effects on the generation of action potential. An increase of Na(e) signal/Na(i) signal was observed during the electrical stimulation, suggesting that this result reflected the direct changes in sodium ions permeability during the nerves excitation.

  • 出版日期2008-11