
Based on the Kirchhoff-Fresnel approximation, we consider the behavior of optical vortices (OV) upon propagation of diffracted Laguerre-Gaussian (LG) beams with topological charge |m| = 1, 2. Under conditions of weak diffraction perturbation (i.e. the diffraction obstacle covers only the far transverse periphery of the incident LG beam), these OVs describe almost perfect 3D spirals within the diffracted beam body, which is an impressive demonstration of the helical nature of an OV beam. The far-field OV positions within the diffracted beam cross section depend on the wavefront curvature of the incident OV beam, so that the input wavefront curvature is transformed into the output azimuthal OV rotation. The results are expected to be useful in OV metrology and OV beam diagnostics.

  • 出版日期2017-5