
Throughout the last years, optimization problems on a large number of variables, sometimes over 1000, are becoming common. Thus, algorithms that can tackle them effectively, both in result quality and run time, are necessary. Among these specific algorithms for high-dimensional problems, memetic algorithms, which are the result of the hybridization of an evolutionary algorithm and a local improvement technique, have arisen as very powerful optimization systems for this type of problems. A very effective algorithm of this kind is the MA-SW-Chains algorithm. On the other hand, general purpose computing using Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) has become a very active field because of the high speed-up ratios that can be obtained when applied to problems that exhibit a high degree of data parallelism. In this work we present a new design of MA-SW-Chains to adapt it to the GPU-based massively parallel architecture. The experiments with the new GPU memetic technique, compared to the original sequential version, prove that the results are obtained with the same quality but with a reduction of the run time of two orders of magnitude. This great improvement in computing time makes our proposal suitable for future optimization problems with a dimensionality several orders of magnitude greater than current high-dimensionality standards (i.e. problems with millions of variables). The remarkable run time reduction comes at the cost of a higher design and implementation overhead compared to the GPU-based single-threaded counterpart.

  • 出版日期2015-2-1