
In this paper, macromesoporous porous silicon Bragg and microcavity structures are fabricated from highly doped n-type silicon based on HF/ethanol electrolyte system without oxidising components. Well defined controllable pore sizes at the range of 50-100 nm have been obtained by systematically optimisation of the etching parameters. Alternately arrangement of straight and branched mesoporous layers are first achieved successfully under the condition of current density no more than 100 mA cm(-2). Macroporous Bragg reflector is also produced successfully. Layers stack of the macroporous Bragg reflector relies on nanowires. As well as the Bragg reflectors with different pore morphologies, microcavity structure can be obtained based on the same silicon wafer using the same HF/alcohol electrolyte. In this study, work has been done on macromesoporous silicon multilayer structures successfully under the condition of simple and easy to implement experimental environment.