
In view of the limitation of low conflict detection efficiency and low resolution accuracy faced by traditional ECA (event-condition-action) rule reasoning, the new concepts, subject and object, are introduced to depict the trigger and effective object of the rule respectively, and also the post condition is introduced to express the state constraint after the rule action is executed. SOECAP, a kind of extended ECA rule model, is put forward. Based on the SOECAP model, the formal descriptions of rule conflict problem are defined in two different ways; meanwhile, the conflict resolution set is created dynamically, and the preference values from the conflict resolution set to conflict rules are measured through Vague set Theory, finally the rule confliction problem is resolved by taking the preference values as judgment standard. The comparative evaluation with other typical methods showed that the conflict detection and resolution based on Vague set had higher success rate and accuracy with stable and reliable features.

  • 出版日期2014-3
