
The current study was designed to optimize solid phase microextraction (SPME)-GC-MS conditions for extraction and analysis of volatile components for Hanwoo beef and to establish it tentative database of flavor components Samples were taken front Hanwoo longissunus muscle (30 mon old steer. 1(+)B carcass grade) at 24 h postmortem Results Indicated that the Optimum adsorption time for 75 mu m CAR/PDMS fiber was 60 min at 60 degrees C Thermal cleaning at 250 degrees C for 60 min was the best practice for decontamination of the fiber A short analysis program with I Sharp oven temperature ramp resulted in it better resolution and higher number of measurable volatile components With these conditions. 96 volatile compounds were identified with little variation including 22 aldehydes. 8 ketones. 31 hydrocarbons. 12 alcohols. 8 nitrogen- and sulfur-containing compounds. 5 pyrazines and 10 furans A noticeable observation was the high number of hydrocarbons. aldehydes. ketones. alcohols and 2-alkylfurans Which Were generated from lipid decomposition especially the oxidation and degradation of unsaturated and saturate fatty acids This implies that these compounds can be candidates for flavor specification of highly marbled beef such as Hanwoo flavor

  • 出版日期2010-2