
In this paper we present a novel vision-based markerless hand pose estimation scheme with the input of depth image sequences. The proposed scheme exploits both temporal constraints and spatial features of the input sequence, and focuses on hand parsing and 3D fingertip localization for hand pose estimation. The hand parsing algorithm incorporates a novel spatial-temporal feature into a Bayesian inference framework to assign the correct label to each image pixel. The 3D fingertip localization algorithm adapts a recently developed geodesic extrema extraction method to fingertip detection with the hand parsing algorithm, a novel path-reweighting method and K-means clustering in metric space. The detected 3D fingertip locations are finally used for hand pose estimation with an inverse kinematics solver. Quantitative experiments on synthetic data show the proposed hand pose estimation scheme can accurately capture the natural hand motion. A simulated water-oscillator application is also built to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method in human-computer interaction scenarios.

  • 出版日期2013-6
  • 单位南阳理工学院; Microsoft