A carboxyfunctionalized (2(4))-1,6-pyrenophane-tetraene by glyoxylic Perkin condensation

作者:Robert Antoine; Dechambenoit Pierre; Bock Harald; Durola Fabien
来源:Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 2017, 95(4): 450-453.


<jats:p> Without employing high dilution conditions, the fourfold 2+2 Perkin reaction of 1,6-pyrenylene-diglyoxylic acid with its reduction product 1,6-pyrenylene-diacetic acid yields the corresponding tetrameric conjugated macrocycle in 25% overall yield after in-situ esterification. The macrocycle adopts a square fourfold symmetry in the crystal, with near-vertical pyrene walls that alternatingly tilt upwards and downwards. </jats:p>